New Faces On SMT
New Faces On SMT
  • ,Han Kim Yeongju ,Jung Kim Minju ,Kim Hyeonseo ,Kim Park Yuna ,Kim Youn Soyun ,Seo Kang Seoyoon ,Shin Jung Soomin
  • 승인 2024.06.03 09:59
  • 댓글 0
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Shin Jung Soomin

Hello, everyone! My name is Jung Soomin. I'm majoring in child welfare. I am excited to be SMT's new reporter. I'm interested in English and writing. Therefore, my goal within SMT is to write useful and enjoyable article for readers and lead them to become more interested in it. Please look forward to my work. Thank you!


Seo Kang Seoyoon

Hi everyone! My name is Kang Seoyoon. I'm a first-year student majoring in French language and culture. I am honored to be joining SMT as a new reporter. I love English and learning about new cultures all around the world. I hope everyone will enjoy and follow our news with us. Thank you!


Kim Hyeonseo

Hi, everyone. My name is Kim Hyeonseo. I'm majoring in communication and media. I am glad to be a reporter for The Sookmyung Times. I hope that my time here will be an opportunity for me to grow and give you joy. I'll do my best. Please keep an eye out for me. Thank you!


Jung Kim Minju

Hello, everyone! My name is Kim Minju. I'm a sophomore in mathematics. I'm glad to see you as a reporter of SMT. It's my first time writing an article, so I'm inexperienced. But please enjoy watching me grow gradually. See you soon with fun and informative articles! Thank you!


Han Kim Yeongju

Hello, everyone! My name is Kim Yeongju, a freshman majoring in consumer economics. I'm very excited to join SMT as a reporter. I believe that good writing changes people's perspectives and gives them new motivation. I will be a reporter who writes articles that provide you with good insight. Thank you!


Kim Park Yuna

Hello! I'm Park Yuna, a sophomore in English language and literature. It's my pleasure to meet you as a new reporter of SMT! I am excited to work with the other great reporters here, and I will do my best to become a competent reporter. Thank you!


Kim Youn Soyun

Hello, everyone! My name is Youn Soyun, a first-year student majoring in artificial intelligence engineering. I'm so happy to be in a place I wanted to be. This is my first experience doing this, so I'm excited and eager to learn a lot. I will work hard to improve in any areas where I may fall short. Thank you!


Han Kim Yeongju / Cub Reporter
Jung Kim Minju / Cub Reporter
Kim Hyeonseo / Cub Reporter
Kim Park Yuna / Cub Reporter
Kim Youn Soyun / Cub Reporter
Seo Kang Seoyoon / Cub Reporter
Shin Jung Soomin / Cub Reporter

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