Finding Out What Makes You Smile
Finding Out What Makes You Smile
  • Jo Yoo Suyeon
  • 승인 2024.09.02 08:00
  • 댓글 0
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Hello, Sookmyungians! After two months of summer vacation that felt both long and short at the same time, September is here, marking the beginning of a new semester. How did you spend your vacation? I'm sure you enjoyed your vacation in your own way, whether it was relaxing, traveling to a new place, or doing some self-improvement. For me, I most remember going out with my friends to try new and delicious food. I think eating and talking with people who make you feel comfortable is a great way to relieve the stress and fatigue that has been building up inside of you. In this way, I had a great time relaxing both mentally and physically.
inding out what relaxes you is something we all need to do in our busy lives. Even when things get tough and exhausting, knowing that you can have your own personal relaxation time after you get things done is a great source to fuel your energy. If you haven't found "your way" yet, I hope that you will take this second semester to have some new experiences, think about things, and discover those that give you comfort. I also hope that you will find reading our magazine interesting and fun. Now, I would like to introduce no.393, prepared by SMT's 91st and 92nd group of reporters. And please stay tuned for more issues of our magazine coming out this semester!

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