Climate Insecurity Creates a Human Rights Rift
Climate Insecurity Creates a Human Rights Rift
  • Kim Park Yuna
  • 승인 2024.10.02 08:00
  • 댓글 0
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Online Human Rights Course The Climate Crisis Threatens Human Rights


Sookmyung Women's University held a summer online human rights course called "The Climate Crisis Threatens Human Rights." The course was available from June 24 to August 30. Students could sign up through Snoway and take the course on Snowboard. The course consisted of five lessons on how the climate crisis leads to human rights abuses. Each of the five lectures was organized in two parts. In the first part of the lecture, instructor Choi Woo-ri discussed human rights violations due to climate change, and in the second part, professor Cho Hyo-jeh discussed the same topic with teacher Kim Him-chan and teacher Lee Eun-jin. The instructor explained that everyone feels the effects of the climate crisis, but those who have the power to adapt are better able to prepare for and deal with the problems caused by climate change. She also emphasized that the climate crisis needs to be approached not only as an environmental and scientific issue but also as a human rights issue. The example of an Indian girl who had to walk a long distance every day to get fresh water was mentioned to emphasize the relationship of the climate crisis with the right to child development, the right to education, and freedom from gender discrimination and violence. The instructor also noted that it is important to think and work hard to solve environmental problems, and to believe that change comes from actions of protecting the environment. Taking the course, Kim Do-yeon, Department of Public Administration '23, said "I have not thought about the relationship between the climate crisis and human rights, but after taking the course, I realized human rights inequalities can be exacerbated by economic status. As a public administration major, I am now more interested in studying what policies countries should implement to reduce the negative impact of the climate crisis on human rights." This course provided students with an opportunity to think about the environment and human rights.

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