Expanding the Spectrum of E-information at the Main Library
Expanding the Spectrum of E-information at the Main Library
  • Cho Park Jiyeon
  • 승인 2014.12.04 17:57
  • 댓글 0
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From November 10th to the 31st, Sookmyung held an E-information Online Search Competition.  The competition hosted by the Main Library was the 8th annual event of its kind.  The purpose of it is introducing how to subscribe to academic databases and e-journals at the library and to rev up students' availability.  A total of 20 questions were given to students to solve through an online library search.  Answers were submitted by students online.  Thirty top participants received prizes in the form of scholarships from some companies.  According to Digital Resource Management Services in the Main Library, this year on November 14th, 140 students submitted answers.  This year participants showed their enthusiasm for the contest, and a participant posted a review reads, "It will be beneficial when I write a thesis as I could learn how to search for accurate information using materials in library in this time."  Hong Hyeonju, an assistant manager at Digital Resource Management Services said, "Most students use portal sites such as Naver or Google or purchase journals when they search for information.  Although our library provides higher quality materials, awareness and usage among students is low, so we are trying to promote the library through various ways such as holding this competition and E-information Fair as well as setting up a Facebook account.  Therefore, I hope Sookmyungians show renewed attention and use the library's services more than now.”

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