Frosh Meet the Library Hot
Frosh Meet the Library Hot
  • Chang Chun Heejin
  • 승인 2015.04.02 00:24
  • 댓글 0
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From March 2nd to 20th, the Main Library at Sookmyung Women’s University held an event called ‘Frosh Meet the Library Hot.’  The event was composed of two parts: the information desk on first floor and a general tour of the Main Library.  Park Jieun, Academic Information Services personnel at the Library, said “We want first-years to understand about the library’s useful service thoroughly through this event.” The information desk is located inside the library next to the entrance door, so students are able to ask questions about the library and the event before entering or leaving.  The tour is for first-years to introduce them to each floor and library services.  Frosh should register for the program on the library webpage in advance.  Smarteer, the volunteering leadership group of the library, guides students about the library for about 30 minutes.  On the tour, students visit the first and third floor and special places like the World Women’s Literature Center and the Eun-Won Hong Film Archives to experience library services; however, they can’t visit fifth and sixth floor because they are currently being remodeled.  The library also gives participants a free coffee gift card for two when students register early for the program.  Kim Eunji, Department of Library and Information Science ’15, said, “The tour was helpful for me because I knew little about library services.  Now I know about the library sections and services.”

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