New Flow of Employment: NCS
New Flow of Employment: NCS
  • Oh Lee Sumin
  • 승인 2015.09.06 13:47
  • 댓글 0
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On July 13th from 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m, Sookmyung Women's University's Institute of Career Development gave a special lecture about National Competency Standards (NCS) at Veritas Building B101 in Sookmyung Women’s University.  NCS is an indicator detailing an individual’s academic knowledge, technological skills, and refinement, specifics required by industrial sites that are systemized by the government.  It enables companies to employ people according to their individual level through more objective criteria.  Park Juhyun, deputy manager of the employment support team at Institute of Career Development, said, “NCS was widely used by public institutions when they hired new employees during the first half of the 2015 year.  Also, we anticipate use of NCS will soon be extended to financial institutions and big enterprises.  However, students are yet unfamiliar with and uneducated about NCS, so we decided to offer a lecture.”  Guest lecturer Kim Rokhwan is president of Human Resources Development Service of Korea and lecture participants were comprised mainly of upper year students at university who were currently seeking employment.  Kwon Jeeyoung, a participant in the lecture from the Department of Chinese Language & Literature ’12 said, “As a 4th year student, now is the time I need to prepare for employment, so the lecture helped me a lot.”

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