Impressionism Revived on Screen
Impressionism Revived on Screen
  • Kim Lim Minji
  • 승인 2016.12.10 23:45
  • 댓글 0
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Gogh, a self-portrait by Vincent Van Gogh, comes alive with eye contact and blinking, the elegant ballerina in Dancer on Stage is dancing, the Woman with a Parasol looks backwards and her skirt is fluttering, the Women in Tahiti draws near, and the sound of pipe by a boy is heard.  Does this sound too ghostly for an art museum? Indeed, paintings coming alive are popular themes in ghost stories.  However, this is not a ghost story or a falsehood, but reality at Some Sevit, so SMT went there to investigate.  




Artists Who Paint Light and Color

Impressionism was an art movement that occurred in the 19th century, and it is characterized by unusual painting techniques that rebelled against customs of the time. Impressionists emphasized accurate depictions of the visual world by paying close attention to light and its changing qualities.  They also saw an object from unusual angles and were interested in the expression of colors.  Top impressionists include Clade Monet, Edouard Manet, Auguste Renoir, Paul Gauguin, and Vincent Van Gogh. 
‘Hello Artist’ is an exhibition where visitors meet impressionists through Convergence Art. The greatest difference between this exhibition and other impression art exhibitions is that the paintings, painted on canvas, are reinterpreted by advanced digital techniques so that modern society may enjoy the art of yester years.  At Hello Artist, visitors enjoy moving impression art on digital screens that are supplemented with music.  Some Solvit, where the art is being shown, is easy to get to by public transportation.  Some Solvit can be reached by taking Bus 740 from the bus stop 03180 in front of Hyochang Park Station and getting off at ‘Banpo Hangang Park, Some Sevit’.  The travel will take just 20 minutes.  After getting off the bus, a big poster hung on the outer wall of Some Solvit is clearly visible.




Hello Artist with the Aroma of Coffee

Hello Artist exhibition centers on the theme of mindfulness through impression. Mindfulness is a psychology term referring to the way one is able to look straight through themselves, the environment, and others’ minds.  The exhibition exposes visitors to the 6 key steps to understanding one’s inner mindset.  The first and second parts of the exhibition are on the 1st floor of the gallery while the rest of the exhibition is displayed on the 2nd floor.  As one enters, a small cafe is there to greet them.  To help visitors get a sense of true mindfulness, visitors are encouraged to take a cup of coffee along with them through the exhibition.  The painter who first welcomes visitors is Van Gogh.  Looking at his paintings and reading his words, visitors glance into his heart and feel a sense of empathy for his sadness and gloom. Next, visitors encounter work by Manet and Renoir.  Visitors indirectly experience Manet’s thoughts and mind to understand his decision to try new art techniques and leave the area with a feeling of 19th century happiness and romance after Renoir.  In the third showcase room at the museum, Paul Cézanne waits to teach visitors how he became immersed in his mind.  In the fourth section, visitors enter an area of paintings by Degas who capitalized on particular changing moments.  The last art displays are of work by Seurat, Monet, and Gauguin.  As Seurat adopted pointillism, the concept for this part of the exhibition is tenacity.  Monet and Gauguin, show visitors how to see the world from others’ views and to toss away obsessions.  In addition, the exhibitions provide several interactive zones, namely Hello Garden, Hello Rooftop, and Collaboration.  They are not emphasized, so visitors should look for them.  
This SMT reporter recommends the following 3 divisions: Gogh, Degas, and Monet. Especially, the ecstasy of making eye contact with Gogh as flowers from almond tress float about is beyond description.  Also, as Degas’ paintings are famous for his ability to capture a particular moment in time, his work is surely to be an experience visitors will not want to miss.  Monet is the father of ‘Impressionism’, so his work is shown on the largest screens, which is wonderfully overwhelming.  




Tips for Visitors

Convergence art is new to many people, so make sure you have plenty of time before going. Unlike common art exhibitions, a convergence art show does not merely exhibit paintings; the paintings are showed on screens according to specifics set out by design directors. Thus, visitors need time to enjoy the exhibition perfectly.  Second, tickets are about 30% cheaper online, and it is a good idea to visit on a ‘Culture Wednesday’ to get a ticket cheaper.  Last, make sure to stop by the Art Shop.  There, visitors are introduced to impressionism goods, so don’t miss it.  Following the above advice, Sookmyungians are sure to enjoy the exhibition.  






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