Say Hello and Goodbye to SMU
Say Hello and Goodbye to SMU
  • Kee Seong Eun-hye
  • 승인 2008.03.24 00:17
  • 댓글 0
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At the end of February, two big ceremonies were held for alumnae and freshmen.  Through this ceremonies, one said hello and the other said goodbye to SMU.


The commencement ceremony for the academic year of 2007 was held on February 25 in the Grand Auditorium.  1,734 students who were special caps and gowns took diplomas and prizes this time under the celebration from the family and friends.  They promised to go each field of our society and change there with S leadership.


2008 freshmen convocation was held on February 29 in the Grand Auditorium.  At the very beginning, President Kyungsook Lee delivered special address to welcome all new Sookmyungians.  In the ceremony, 2,278 freshmen attended.  They firmly decided to be a millennium leader who got S leadership, changing the world with gentle power.

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