On March 3, 2009, on the 2nd floor of the Samsung Center in Centennial Hall, a presentation for the international exchange program for the first term of the year 2009 was held from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. Many people such as Kim Sang-Yule, the chief of the Office of International Affairs and Lee Joo-Hee, the manager of the Office of International Affairs, took part in this event. Many Sookmyungians also attended and showed they had great interest in it. The presentation was mainly about exchange students, dual degree programs, the Stanford University Summer Session (SISS), the Sookmyung Global Project and mentioned a few more short period programs called Sookmyung International Summer School. According to the Office of International Affairs, Sookmyung Women's University (SMU) is the first Korean university to offer a dual degree program that allows students to earn degrees from two institutions. Students are exposed to more comprehensive and integrative approaches to their majors by studying four semesters at another school. Not only does this program provide an advantage for employment opportunities and graduate studies overseas, but also for broadened views and experiences that all leaders can embrace. In order to provide students with many opportunities to study abroad, Sookmyung plans to gradually expand partner universities for the dual degree program. After the presentation, there was a chance to ask questions so that students could gratify their curiosity about SMU’s international programs.
On the same day from 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M., on the 2nd floor of the Administration Building, booths representing the U.S., Europe, China, Australia and Japan were set up to give more information about the programs to Sookmyungians. The students who had already experienced each program and members of the Office of International Affairs took part in this and gave answers to the students.
The Office of International Affairs, situated in room 503 of the Administration Building, is running a consultation program for individuals who have made reservations in order to meet the students’ demands. You can download an appointment form at http://sookmyung.ac.kr/~exchange/