Walking on the Sea
Walking on the Sea
  • Lim YangYunjeong/Editorinchief
  • 승인 2010.09.13 22:03
  • 댓글 0
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It is a new start of second semester in 2010.  I’m very excited about publishing our first magazine, after I became a new editor-in-chief in the Sookmyung Times (SMT).  I believe our SMT Cruiser is getting off on the right foot.  I wonder about nice last vacation of Sookmyungians.  Did you take a tour during the long vacation?  How was your last vacation?
Last winter, I also traveled to Egypt participating in 2009 Sookmyung Global Explore.  Of course, I experienced a fascinating country, Egypt in winter but Egypt is so hot.  I stayed in Egypt for two weeks.  I visited Cairo, Luxor, Aswan and Hurghada.  It was an amazing experience.  Everything in Egypt was perfect to me, and I was so sorry I had to leave.  Many Egyptians were very kind to us, so I will never forget them.
I hope Sookmyungians will be able to experience this through wonderful travel to a country you really want.  “It is the journey that counts, not the arrival.”  I walked on the Red Sea where I just heard, as you can see in the picture.  Travel, crossing and walking on the sea is a genuine jewel in life.  Experience!  The getting out of the door is the greatest part of the journey.  I wish Sookmyungians’ this semester will be able to cruise well.  Shu Krahn! (Thank you in Arabic)

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