Spanish Soul Be Revived in SMU
Spanish Soul Be Revived in SMU
  • An Lee Jung-un
  • 승인 2007.06.20 12:57
  • 댓글 0
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Sookmyungians learned Flamenco and got wrapped up in the passionate Flamenco dance.  Students were also impressed by a violin and piano recital.  These events were held on May 16, under auspices of SMU and Embassy of Spain.  And this day was appointed Spanish Day by SMU.

Sookmyungians watched an informative movie about Spain.  It introduced Spain's nature landscape and tourist attraction.  Also this video showed Spain is nation of passion.  They attended a special lecture, and saw a poster exhibition.  Mr. Francisco Benitez’s special lecture was on the ‘Art of Spain.'  A poster exhibition of “Cultural Right” exhibited posters which were related to culture, diversity and human rights.  Many Sookmyungians participated in these events and they could feel a little Spanish soul.  Park Soo-jung who saw the poster exhibition said, “The posters are very unique.  Also there are posters that were parodied so I am very interested.”

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