On March 2, 2012, the first semester Excellent Service Award was held by the SMU Division of Social Services. The SMU Excellent Service Award is held for the Sookmyungians and service groups who throw their passion into social service. Therefore, the prize is classified into two types, one for the groups and the other is for individuals. In this award, all five clubs, including the ARUM, received the prize with the Sumgim scholarship. This club is a united welfare facility club which visits a child-care center and helps with children’s education every Thursday. On the other hand, in the personal sector, the grand prize, Euddeum-dure prize, was won by Kim Yoomi, Division of Child Welfare & Studies ’09, who volunteered at Gwacheon community welfare center. The next prize, Bugum-dure prize, was won by four students including Cha Jaesun, Department of Biological Science ’11. Lee, who received the prize as a member of the SMU Philippines overseas volunteer group, said that voluntary service was not only for others but also herself, and all winners in this award agreed with her. The SMU Excellent Service Award is always awaiting students who work for the others and know the enjoyment of sharing.