On 10th of May, all of classes in SMU were canceled for ‘Student guidance day’ for student to spent time with their mentor professor. Mentor professor system is available in most of the other university. However, SMU provided many programs in student guidance day to make difference with other university. First, ‘Mentoring date with mentor professor’ was a program that made a sandwich with professor and ate it together. Also, movie was shown for a date. Second, ‘Sookmyung running man’ was a kind of team mission game that a professor and students made one team and worked for a mission together. Some Department went to special place with their professors, too. For example, Department of Chinese went to Namsan. Even though professor and student didn’t apply at one of these programs, they could spent time just talked about school life or career. Lim Sunmin from the Department of English ’12, who spent time with professor in student guidance day, said “First I thought it would be difficult to talk or become familiar with professor. I have no idea about professor because I am freshman. However, university provided lots of program for professorstudent relationship. These events help me to get easy with my mentor professor.” The Student guidance day is a special day that only exist in SMU and it help students relationship with their professors.
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