Free Checkups for SMU Students
Free Checkups for SMU Students
  • Yi Sohn Joonyoung
  • 승인 2012.10.10 20:27
  • 댓글 0
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The Sookmyung’s Health Care Center organized free checkups for any enrolled students of SMU at the Queen Sunheon Square on the 19th and 20th of September.  From 10 AM to 4 PM, around 1,500 students visited to take the two tests that were provided; blood test and chest X-ray examination.  A member staff of the SMU Health Care Center says, “Because our eating habits have become  esternized, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of people who have been diagnosed with adult diseases.  Thus it is more important than ever to have your blood sugar levels checked.  Universities are where you do group activities, so it’s necessary to examine infectious diseases, such as hepatitis B.” This free checkup, which was organized to improve the campus health conditions, was regarded as both a good opportunity and an insufficient examination by the SMU students.  Kim Jisun, Department of TESL ‘12, says that “It was nice to get a checkup for free, while otherwise we would have had to pay to get one.” Kim from Division of Child Welfare & Studies ’07 thinks differently.  “Although it was great to be able to have quick free checkups, I felt that there weren’t enough tests for a medical examination.” These physical checkups are held every September, and the results of this year’s checkup can be seen one or two weeks after the examination.

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