Share Your Opinions in the Communication Project
Share Your Opinions in the Communication Project
  • Lee Kim Seulgi
  • 승인 2012.11.16 19:20
  • 댓글 0
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On September 25th, The Sookmyungian’s Thinking was held by the student council.  The purpose of this project was to communicate with the student council.  The vicepresident, Lee Jungmin, reported the performance during the last semester, and she announced that the student council would keep the pledges.  Then, the students took time to discuss with the student council.  The discussion topic focused on the Korean University Student Unions.  Before the event, the student council had conducted a survey.  In the survey results, many students wondered what was the Korean University Student Union and what did the student council do in it.  During the discussion, the students and student council tried to communicate with each other. Some students discussed about worries that the student council was involved in political activities in the Korean University Student Union.  The school council tried to resolve a misunderstanding, and they promised that they will work for students.
Park, department of Korean Literature ’09 said, “This event gives a chance to discuss with the student council, and I hope to discuss more actively next time.” The student council will continue to conduct a survey and plan a communication project based on the survey.

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