WLP Reunion on an Autumn Day
WLP Reunion on an Autumn Day
  • Oh Lee Yeon
  • 승인 2012.11.18 21:24
  • 댓글 0
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On October 13th, the Korean American Sharing Movement (KASM) held the Washington Leadership Program (WLP) Reunion in the memorial hall.  KASM was founded in 1997 by many Korean residents (who are mainly professional
workers) of Washington D.C.  as a nonprofit organization and it exsists to provide international aid and educates university students in leadership.  One of their main programs, WLP is a leadership training program of university students since 2003.  After selecting outstanding students, the students go through many intensive leadership programs taught by some of the important figures in Washington.  The KASM president Na Seunghee said, “The goal of this program, is to enable students to have a wider vision of the world, and develop their careers.” Lee Kyungsook, who developed the program, said that WLP can be a great opportunity to actually experience the world other than reading lines and will help students become S leaders (Leaders who are Spiritful, who are Skillful at communication, Serve people right, and have Strength).

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