From November 19th to 23rd, APWINC (Asia Pacific Women’s Information Network Center) held a workshop named “Workshop for E-business Training Content Development” at Sookmyung Women’s University. APWINC was selected to implement a 3-year project called “Innovative Strategies for Andean Women’s Participation in Digital Economy.” The purpose of this project is to promote Latin American and Caribbean women’s participation in the digital economy. Liaison personnel including local representatives from key institutions and professionals, from Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador participated in this program. Along with the participants, many specialists reviewed the education content for Latin American women and discussed the details for content development in concerned regions that are culturally adaptable. Also, the participants attended the lectures, for example “Women’s digital leadership.” They received the necessary training provided by APWINC to carry out the expected tasks in the future. Sunwoo Lee, Division of International Cooperation researcher said, “Although I prepared the programs of the workshop, I learned a lot from the participants’ passion. During the workshop, the participants from Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador showed enthusiasm to promote the gender equality in their society.” The project helps Latin American women get a chance to participate in the digital economy.