Two ‘P’s for Your Peace
Two ‘P’s for Your Peace
  • Koo Kim Gyohyun
  • 승인 2013.05.06 23:30
  • 댓글 0
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The best inventor, Thomas Edison, was kicked out of school after only 3 months.  Albert Einstein, who presented the principle of relativity, failed in several school subjects and even failed his college entrance exam.  The queen of detective novels, Agatha Christie, was so introverted that she couldn’t speak in front of many people.  However, all of them have their own brand until now and these brands have high asset value.  What secrets do they have? 

Gary Vaynerchuk suggests a simple answer through his lecture, “Do What You Love,” in a somewhat frenzied voice.  “Do what you love, the rest comes naturally.”   Does it sound too obvious or threadbare?  Nevertheless, we whine that we cannot do what we love for a living.  About this, Gary Vaynerchuk strongly advises them to raise their own brand.  He asserts that everyone should work hard toward branding our own potential and having asset value.  To make a perfect brand, we need two ‘P’s – passion and patience.

The first P, Passion.  Gary sold wine from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. for seven years.  He made a fortune, but he couldn’t settle for the present.  There was a 1% deficiency in his life, and this 1% changed his whole life.  He started ‘Wine Library TV,’ the Internet show that deals with wine.  He could obtain the funds through his previous wine business and he showed his sense of wine, which was accumulated in the past.  All these were possible, since he worked passionately to the end for 7 years.  Everyone who makes passionate efforts can monetize during the process as a reward, however, if we work just for the duty, it is impossible.  If the work is obligatory, how can I work hard?   It is possible only if we do what we love.

The second P, Patience.  Gary managed Wine Library TV five days a week for 17 months.  At first, he had a really hard time, since the new job was unstable.  However, he endured the pain, and worked steadily.  He remembered that he preferred making advice for others to listening to their complaints, and he could become part of the community.  Many people answered back with the question, “Can I make living if I just do what I love with patience?”   His answer is, “No, you can’t. I lost money when I did what I love.  What you do is positioning of yourself for success.  Stop watching the loss!”  If you believe in yourself and know what you are doing, you are not wasting time.  This is the really important thing.  If you pour out really good work, others will follow you, but not if you feel skepticism to yourself.  If you are patient enough and the right moment strikes, it will create huge energy.

Everyone says reading or listening to music is their hobby.  Is it true?   Actually, we don’t know what we really like.  Even, students are not clearly organized in choosing their majors.  They just follow what others recommend.  Again, when they go to college, they tremble from fear that they cannot pick their career.  We constantly worry about what we have to do rather than what I truly want to do.  It might be natural, since we had cramming education for almost 10 years.  However, we should not separate have to from want to.  What we have to do is find what we love and have patience to practice it with passion. Of course, there will be obstacles, such as economic conditions or criticism from society.  The most important thing is, those things don’t make your future.  Also, you can yield better results and enjoy the happiness when you jump over those obstacles. 

In this lecture, Gary gives precious advice to students who feel pain and frustration to start a new career.  Ask yourself in the mirror, “What do I love?   What do I want to do with the rest of my life?”






 Vocabulary & Expression
1. monetize [Verb] : To establish as the legal tender of a country
(ex) In short, the only way out of this crisis is to monetize the debt.
2. positioning [Noun] : The position held by a product brand in the opinion of consumers, in comparison with its competitors’ brands
(ex) To product positioning, such as product features, product benefits are used as a basis.

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