The Path SMT Has Followed
The Path SMT Has Followed
  • Hwang Jeon Seo-kyung
  • 승인 2007.09.28 08:36
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October 25, 1973: The Sookmyung Times (SMT) was launched with five reporters and published for the first time.  SMT was brought out seven times per year.  Originally, SMT was an English paper having 4 pages in tabloid form.
October, 1980: English essay contest begun.
April, 1983: SMT changed the size to “super tabloid” form.
October 25, 1986: SMT published its 100th English paper.
October, 1988: SMT was increased from four to eight pages.  (Formerly, SMT was published with 8 pages only in October as a special number in commemoration of the foundation of SMT.)
March 25, 1995: SMT changed from a newspaper format to magazine in English.
March 25, 2002: Size was changed from B5 size to A4 size.
October 25, 2002: SMT was in existence for 30 years.  And it was published as an all color issue.
May, 2006: SMT published a 100th anniversary special edition (248th SMT) in remembrance of Sookmyung centennial.  The May issue was combined with the June issue, and it was an all color periodical.
October 25, 2007: SMT publishes its 35th anniversary issue.

Every month, SMT is distributed to 10 places in 7 buildings of SMU.  And now, SMT meets its 35th birthday.  Who makes SMT?  Here, you can learn a little about SMT.  Today, President Kyungsook Lee is the publisher of SMT.  Professor Sookhee Lee as director manages from the beginning to the end of each edition.  SMT that began with five reporters in 1973 is now has one editor-in-chief, three editors and five reporters.  Professor Joe Walther gives great help to SMT as copy editor.

How is SMT published?  One month before an edition is published, SMT reporters make a plan for the next month’s issue.  First of all, reporters have an editorial conference.  And there, reporters collect ideas and exchange their opinions for new articles.  After deciding what to do, the reporters begin to inquire, interview and collect information for articles.  Next, reporters write articles and send articles to editor-in-chief before the dead-line.  The editor-in-chief checks all the articles received from the reporters. 

After checking articles, the editor-in-chief sends all of the articles to be edited by SMT copy editor, Professor Joe Walther.  While copy editor checks and edits all of the articles, reporters have a meeting to discuss the design of magazine.  After editing all of the articles, SMT has a fourth meeting.  And reporters draw up the layout of articles and check for wrong words, arrangement and punctuation on articles at each meeting.  And then, each reporter goes to the print shop in Chungmuro and each reporter does a final check and makes monitors the printing.  

SMT is published after correcting and many checks.  SMT is distributed each place by reporters.  After that, reporters have final meeting for an evaluation of the edition. Then the process starts again for the next edition.

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