Donald John Trump, "Make America Great Again"

2017-04-04     Kim Seol Jieun

On January 20th, Inauguration Day for the USA, Donald John Trump was sworn in as the new president of the United States.  He is the oldest president ever to be sworn in US history.  He has promised Americans to make the US great.  His campaign slogan was “Make America Great Again”, and among his campaign promises, he vowed to alter trade policies, which he appears to be doing with his negative comments about the Free Trade Agreements (FTA).  For instance, he has requested a renegotiation of the FTA between Korea and America.  He has also said he would abolish ‘Obama-care’, a medical welfare system that guarantees all individuals, both low-income and high-income, are eligible for health insurance.  Trump claims the system incurs a lot of expenses.  Additionally, he plans to deport many immigrants because he believes they deprive US citizens of jobs.  He has refused to accept Syria refugees into the nation and is strengthening the US immigration process.  He openly objects to abortion and homosexual marriage and has vowed not to honor the Paris Agreement, which requires nations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.  According to gallup, a US public opinion agency, approval of Trump as the new president fell to 44% from January 4th to 8th.1)  Compared to all former US presidents, Trump’s approval rating is the lowest in US history.  Barack Obama had 83% approval ratings before his inauguration, Bill Clinton had 68%, and George W. Bush was 61%.


1) Jo Sungjun, “Trump Inauguration, Approval Rating Is the Lowest Ever…”, Chosunilbo, January 14th, 2017