기사 (571건) 리스트형 웹진형 타일형 Korean Sea’s Principal Say Leadership On May 17, the Korean “king of sea” came to Sookmyung w... Ardent Cheering in the Pouring Rain Ardent Cheering in the Pouring Rain Spanish Soul Be Revived in SMU Spanish Soul Be Revived in SMU Special Ceremony for Sookmyungians On May 16, SMU held a coming-of-age ceremony for studen... SMU Proclaims S Leadership The 101st anniversary of the founding of SMU was held i... New Construction Ceremony of the Dormitory New Construction Ceremony of the Dormitory Make Your Image – A Shortcut in Order to Success On April 11, a special lecture was held in the Myungshi... What Is the Future of Korea? On April 14, a special lecture was held at room 316 of ... http://smtimes.sookmyung.ac.kr The Sookmyung Times (SMT) is knocking readers’ minds, w... First Banquet of Sookmyung Leadership Group On April 3, the Sookmyung leadership groups met togethe... To Be a Real Leader To Be a Real Leader Preparing for Successful Careers Preparing for Successful Careers 처음처음이전이전이전4142434445464748끝끝