No Sookmyung Without Sookmyungians
No Sookmyung Without Sookmyungians
  • Kim Ma Seunghee
  • 승인 2019.11.01 09:48
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Sookmyungians shouting for the direct presidential election


“For democratic and equality development at Sookmyung, we will definitely consider students’ voices by giving them the right to vote in the next direct presidential election.” When Hwang Jisoo, President of the Student Council Oneul, read this resolution at the start of the Joint Action, all participating Sookmyungians rejoiced, shouting “We won! We won!” On October 8 Joint Action was held at Queen Sunheon crossroads at 6 p.m. to show Sookmyungians’ determination to enact direct elections for the president of Sookmyung, which will be held next year. Participants shouted out slogans, sang eight songs demanding a direct election, listened to free speech talks by four fellow Sookmyungians, and watched various performances. The chanted of slogans and the singing of songs could be heard between the free speeches and performances. The eight songs were originally pop music hits such as “Into a New World” by Girls’ Generation, but the student council of the College of Music changed the lyrics to match demands for a direct election and participation by students in the voting. The first speaker called on support from professors for a direct election, and the last speaker Lim Jihye showed her indignity towards the current situation with words like “How long should we have to endure? Are our demands that nonsensical? There is no Soomyung without students.” To express Sookmyungians’ demand through other unique ways, three performances were held. There was an acoustical performance in which three Sookmyungians played guitar and sang “Wrong Is Wrong” and “A Day of Us”. Visual performances included the smashing of boxes that had ‘undemocratic’, ‘unfair election’, and ‘silence of professors’ written on them and the tearing of a placard. After the Joint Action, Min Jiwon, Division of Korean Language & Literature ‘19, said, “It was meaningful to listen to what other Sookmyungians think of direct elections, and it was thrilling to shout out slogans and sing songs.” Despite the cooler temperature, about 300 Sookmyungians from each college gathered to raise their voices in unison. After the whole student body assembly on May 23, Oneul held a press conference, public hearing, and had face-to-face talks with President Kang Jeongai. However, at that time, the task force team for Sookmyung presidential election had not yet been established and professors were opting to remain silence according to Oneul’s report. Meanwhile, to continue on the campaign for a direct election, Oneul is continuing the action with a sit-in protest that would last for an indefinite period of time. As of November 1, it enters the 23rd day of sit-in protest while picketing with fellow Sookmyungians. It is expected that the protest will be continued until they win a satisfactory outcome. 

Photo of Student Council Oneul
One Sookmyungian standing up for free speech talk
Visual performance of smashing the boxes, translated as the undemocratic, unfair presidential election, silence of professors
Three Sookmyungians singing A Day of Us
Sookmyungians shining flashlights for the performance
Sookmyungians tearing the placard written the unfair election


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