On November 19th, in Snowflake Square Hall, Movie Director Park Chan-wook gave a special lecture. It was hosted by Main Library with the aim of providing students tips on how he creates his films, which is part of the series ‘How I make movies’ by 'Library, design the future’. The lecture was carried out as a semi-talk show in which students, pre-lecture, created questions for the speaker to answer. The lecture began with a video made by several students, introducing Director Park. He began with a lecture saying that he has been interested in art since his childhood. He also said he has been interested in photography, and he is now hosting a photo exhibition. Park Chan-wook is not known for attending lectures at universities, but instead, he attends events where he is able to interact with the audience, which is the reason he attended this event at Sookmyung Women’s University. Responding to the question, “Which role would you have played if you could star in one of your films?” he answered, “I have never imagined being an actor. Actors are a special unique breed, but I’d like to be the spymaster in secret service, the character played by Michael Shannon in <Little Drummer Girl(2019)>. Park said that when he creates a character, he is not overly concerned with the particulars of the character because he leaves those for the actor to create on stage. Also, he doesn’t like to create abstract characters. Min Yisu from the Department of Social Psychology ’19 said she applied to participate in the special lecture because she is considering a career in cultural arts, and more importantly because she is interested in movies. She wanted to hear firsthand the ideas, stories, and tips from Director Park who is an expert in the field. She also added that “It was an honor to listen to hear the thoughts behind the work of the directors when he creates, how he coordinates with film casts and Park’s personal thoughts on his movie characters.” In addition to Min, almost all students who attended the meeting were impressed with Park and what they took away from the lecture. Sookmyungians are looking forward to other visits from great people in their respected fields.