Hello Sookmyungians! I don't know how many of you will read this, but it's nice to be able to write to you here. This will be the last letter I compose as editor-in-chief. As such, I would like to share with you my feelings towards The Sookmyung Times.
I first learned about SMT through the Everytime app. I was immediately attracted to it because I used to be part of the English Newspaper club in high school. After applying to SMT, I attended an interview to become an academic journalist. I was extremely nervous because it was my first ever interview. Recalling the interview, I remember speaking poorly. However, the next day, I received the acceptance call, and soon I was meeting all the staff at SMT in the club room. I became busier than I imagined at SMT. I had a lot to learn. Then, after adjusting to life at SMT, summer came. During the summer months, fellow reporters and I attended a training session in order to move from cub reporter to full reporter. The summer training remains an unforgettable memory. I spent three whole weeks with my friends and fellow reporters, and I wrote numerous articles. Indeed, there were days when I considered giving up, but all of us at the training endured and completed the three-week training session without a hitch due to our strong desire to become reporters. Thanks to the training, I discovered I could do anything with passion. After becoming a reporter, I became busy, more so than other days. Not only did I have to write more articles, but I suddenly found myself elected the next editor. I spent this past year as editor-in-chief. Throughout the year, I was responsible for making edition schedules, managed numerous administrative tasks, and on a personal note, contemplated all other school and life matters. After becoming editor-in-chief, I often would say to myself, "I wish more people knew about SMT." Reporters devote their time and energy to create each edition. I sincerely wish more Sookmyungians would take an interest in our magazine.
I took responsibility for the magazine but inside, I felt I was undeserving of such a position. I did my best, and it was a great honor. I am glad to step down from the position, and throughout my term in office, I am glad there were no big troubles. I thank the 87th reporters who made this possible: Yura, Yujin, Hayoung, Junhee, Hyeseung, and Shinyoung. I believe the 88th reporters will lead SMT well in the next year. I stand behind you and support you. Last, I would like to say thank you to all Sookmyungians. I hope you continue to support and show interest in The Sookmyung Times.
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