Gender Equality Cultural Festival: Women, One Universe
Gender Equality Cultural Festival: Women, One Universe
  • Kim Seol Yunha
  • 승인 2021.10.05 10:53
  • 댓글 0
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2021 Gender Equality Cultural Festival Poster


Sookmyung Women's University's Gender Equality Counseling Center, which strives to foster healthy attitudes towards sex and create a gender-equal campus culture, will host the 2021 Gender Equality Culture Festival. The Gender Equality Cultural Festival, which has been held every year since 2012, is an event aimed at delivering gender equality messages on campus and helping to foster proper awareness. The theme of the event is "Women, One Universe", which means women's creativity and infinite scalability online. This year's cultural festival has three activities: a report contest, gender equality contest, and club exhibition. The report contest is a personal contest in which people first watch recommended videos related to gender equality and then express their thoughts in a report (1-2 pages of A4). This year's recommended videos are "Gender Equality Friends' 20s Gender Talk" and "Is gender conflict really 'conflict'?" The second activity is the gender equality contest which is to submit an A3 size poster and four or more daily cartoons according to the theme of enhancing gender awareness and sensitivity in everyday life, improving the value and perception of gender equality, and delivering messages to women living together in this era. The last activity is a club exhibition which provides information on sex to Sookmyung Women's University members and promotes various feminist activities and works. Not only the SMWU's official club, but also the other clubs and student autonomous organization are all allowed to participate. The club exhibition contents will be selected through a screening process along with required introductions, contacts, and two sets of card news. This card news should be focused on an agenda that is thought to be the most important at this point. Through this Gender Equality Cultural Festival, Sookmyung Women's University students could get the right message of gender equality and be fostered healthy attitudes towards sex.

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