Looking Back on Whether Our Right to Education Is Guaranteed
Looking Back on Whether Our Right to Education Is Guaranteed
  • Kim Lee Jiwon
  • 승인 2021.11.01 09:58
  • 댓글 0
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Sookmyung Women's University's 53rd Student Council, "Noonbora" delivered information on reporting on the damage to education rights to further guarantee students' right to education. The right to education, which is the right for all students to receive equal education, can be violated in various ways, so it seems to be important to know the cases of infringement of education rights and respond accordingly. First, in terms of a lecture-related problem, there are cases where the non-face-to-face lecture time does not cover more than 50% of the set lecture time. It also refers to reusing existing lectures that were used a year ago, rather than newly recorded ones. Likewise, if the lecture video is not uploaded on time, or if class materials in addition to the lecture video are not uploaded, it is a case of infringement of the right to education. The second problem is test-related: if the test method is different from the original plan without justifiable reasons, the grade evaluation criteria may be too ambiguous or abstract for students. For example, if the evaluation criteria for the midterm exam replacement report says 'write as much as possible,' this can be regarded as an infringement of the student's right to education. Third, problems related to teachers and instructors include excessive wasting of time in class with content unrelated to the class and discrimination against specific students. Finally, there can be tech-related problems where not even minimal effort has been made to improve the screen or sound quality of lectures, thereby significantly reducing the lecture quality. In addition, there are other various problems, and students should be able to guarantee their right to education if it is violated. In the event of an infringement of the right to education, students can write class improvement requests along with subject information on the 'class improvement comment board' through 'Snowboard,' and use the education right damage report website operated by each college.

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