Have a Book Talk With a Professor
Have a Book Talk With a Professor
  • Park Gil Yeonseo
  • 승인 2021.11.01 09:58
  • 댓글 0
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PHOTO FROM SMWUBook Talk with Professors
Book talk with professors


SMWU is going to set up a platform for students to read a book and discuss in depth with professors about the book's contents. This program named '2021-2 Book Talk with Professors' is hosted by the SMWU Central Library. This opportunity to read books intensively and debate with professors in person will be a meaningful chance for Sookmyungians to practice academic analysis. After the Zoom online pre-presentation last September 29th, the offline public discussion is on November 24th. Open group discussions are held in the Central Library but may also be changed to online depending on the COVID-19 situation. The books to be discussed consist of a recommended book by Sin Heesun, professor of the Division of General Education, Homo Deus, and Sister Outsider recommended by Jinah Lee, professor in the Department of Korean Language & Literature. Homo Deus, by Yuval Harari, considers what mankind, who finally conquered the Earth after 70,000 years of history, should pursue now and where to go. On the program's poster, this book was introduced as one full of insights that overturns and rethinks everything we thought we knew about ourselves and history. In addition, Sister Outsider written by Audrey Lorde, tells her story of struggling to find her complete self, whose identity is a black, female, feminist, LGBTQ, mother, cancer-fighting survivor. Through the book, the Central Library recommended taking the opportunity to reflect on the differences and solidarity of our society through her prose and speeches. One anonymous student who participated in the program said, "I applied because I thought the participants could learn a lot of new things through discussions. I felt that the book talk was very beneficial, especially because it has been a difficult time to go to school." In this way, '2021-2 Book Talk with Professors' is expected to serve as an opportunity to improve various abilities including the reading of Sookmyungians, and it seems that it would be beneficial for even those students who do not take part in it directly to read the recommended books.

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