Special Lectures for Advance NCS Skills
Special Lectures for Advance NCS Skills
  • Na Cho Seongah
  • 승인 2021.12.01 09:59
  • 댓글 0
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At the end of the midterm test period, Sookmyung Women's University held an NCS vocational basic skills improvement. NCS (National Competency Standards) are the national standardization of the abilities (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) required to perform duties in the workplace. The program was carried out by the SMWU Job Center from October 26 to 29. It was conducted for students and graduates who want to get a job in a public enterprise. Through SNOWAY, applications were available right up to the day before the program, and the program was available live for about four hours by clicking on the Zoom link sent by the management on the same day. It lasted for four days, and attendees could learn about three NCS subjects that are commonly desired by companies. There were lectures on mathematics on the first and second days, communication skills on the third day, and problem-solving skills on the last day. Since public and some private enterprises also conduct NCS tests in their hiring process, these lectures gave information related to not only the concepts of the subject but also problem-solving skills. Students' understanding of NCS was varied, from students who were first encountering NCS to students who had already taken NCS tests. The third day's communication skills lecture was led by instructor Bang Jihye, who is in charge of Grit Mind Lab, Sookmyung Leadership Education Major Association, and is an NCS confirmation instructor at the Ministry of Employment and Labor. Bang emphasized that before studying NCS, the overall understanding of corporate analysis and NCS should be focused on first. She also introduced various subjects and explained the top 5 subjects enterprises need the most and the qualifications applicants should have. The NCS employment special lecture, which lasted for four days, helped Sookmyungians who are preparing for employment to improve their understanding of NCS.

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