On March 26, ‘Style Orientation’, sponsored by VOGUE GIRL, was held in theSamsungConvention Center in Centennial Hall. More than one hundred students participated in this event. The orientation was organized into 2 classes. In the first class, two makeup artists demonstrated the right method of washing our face with the help of two Sookmyungian models. The models washed their faces in front of other students. Also, the makeup artists showed how to do your makeup well for day time and night time. In the second class, famous stylist Han Hae Yeon delivered a lecture about ways to look nice in jeans. Over 2 hours students could get useful beauty and styling tips. In the middle of the lectures, students could win some presents such as bags and cosmetics by answering a quiz correctly. Kim Sung Hye, a junior in Korean Language & Literature, said, “It was useful for me but I felt uncomfortable about them advertising specific brands.” This style orientation started on March 25 at KyungHee University and went on to Sookmyung Women’s University, Konkuk University, Yonsei University and Ewha Women’s University. All students were given T-money for cellular phones, cleansing oil and lip gloss.