Romantic Sound of Sookmyung
Romantic Sound of Sookmyung
  • Kim Jung Jiwon / Junior Report
  • 승인 2010.05.08 21:36
  • 댓글 0
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                                                                                                                    PHOTO BY JW
Sookmyung’s visiting concert for freshmen was held on March 31 in the Main Library 1st floor lobby.  It was running with the parties concerned with Main Library and much audience’s acclamation.  With the vibrant atmosphere, the concert consisted of three orchestral music teams.  They said, “We prepared popular music considering students who just now entered university.”  The SMU Woodwind Quintet, composed of five instruments began the performance with familiar tunes including ‘The Magic Flute’; W. A. Mozart.  This was followed by the SMU Horn Quartet, comprised of four horns.  They played three tunes with their brief explanation.  Lastly, Professor Kim Woon-Seong conducted the SMU Trombone Ensemble, composed with four sorts of instruments ended the concert with five melodies.  This romantic concert has been held in the beginning of the first semester every year under the collaborated supervision of College of Music and Main Library.

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