Home, My Sweet Home
Home, My Sweet Home
  • Kim Chung Jinyong / Reporter
  • 승인 2011.06.06 16:23
  • 댓글 0
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 Afraid of Coming Night

There are various kinds of difficulties that university students have to undertake.  Firstly, many students usually don’t eat properly.  Ju Jungmi, Department of Global Cooperation ’10 said, “Obviously, since I live alone, it is usual that I skip some meals.  Sometimes, I eat but the food I can eat easy and fast.”  Besides, dangerous environment is another problem for students.  On the Sookmyungian Bulletin Board, there are many students who complain that they saw or met strange people near the boarding house area.  Especially, areas where female university students live are called blind spots of crime because there are no crime prevention activities except the useless CCTV.  In areas where female university students live, there are no males who can suppress criminals, and many students don’t know their neighbors are, so many crimes are tend to be reported very late.  Hwang, School of English ’10, said, “Many students who are living alone stay even during the vacation period.  So I hope that university could patrol or consider those kinds of students.”


Money, Money, Money Is the Problem

However, most of all, the biggest problem is the economic problem.  Recently, there was a sharp increase in prices. Many students feel a burden buying their daily necessities.  Kim Jieun, Daegu University, said, “Many daily necessities’ prices have increased, so I entirely agree with the commandment that you should buy household items at a one thousand won market, from the ‘10 Commandments for students who live alone.’  Also, water price takes a big part of expense, unexpectedly.”  The tyranny of landlords makes the situation even worse.  Recently, the single payment for boarding expenses became some kind of trend among university town areas in Seoul.  Many landlords are demanding boarding expenses for a minimum of six months to one year, giving reasons like it is hard to find students and the flexibility of cash.  According to university towns’ landlords in Seoul and real estate management, single payment for boarding expenses are increasing visibly in the SMU and Dongguk University especially.1  There are advantages of living in a boarding house where there is no burden for security deposit and the early stage expense is not that high.  However, nowadays these advantages have disappeared. Yoon, Department of Food & Nutrition ’06, said, “It was really awkward to hear a landlord demanding six months expenses in a single payment.  It was hard to get that large sum of money.  What was even worse was that the landlord refused credit card payment.”

Real Expert of Living Alone

Since university students’ hardships have became a social issue, the government has suggested solutions.  The Seoul City declared that it will provide around 100 rooms for half price, for students who are from other regions. However, the project which was planning to borrow security money and deposit money for university students in low interest, which is better than the first solution, has dispersed.2 University students finally rose up.  Student governments from five universities (Korea University, Sogang University, University of Seoul, Ewha Womans University, and SMU) allied and made a commission for bringing a joint lawsuit to solve the price-fixing of boarding expenses.  They held a press conference in front of the Ewha Womans University.3  The real solution is not in providing several low-priced rented rooms.  University students are social minorities.  They entered university for study, but they are feeling sorry to their parents because of the high price of college tuition and boarding expenses are making the situation even worse.  When the government makes practical legislation for university students, this will be the day when all university students can become a real Ja Dal.


1 Choi Donhee「, Single payment for boarding expenses appeared」, Asia Today, 2011.02.20
2 Kim Tae gyun「, University students’ boarding expenses loan has dispersed」, Yonhap News, 2010.07.21
3 Nam Sangwook「, University students get upset at price-fixing of boarding expenses」, Hankooki, 2011.02.25

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