Lingua Express, Efforts for Sookmyungian
Lingua Express, Efforts for Sookmyungian
  • Lee Cho Myunghyun
  • 승인 2013.04.05 19:59
  • 댓글 0
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Lingua Express, which is a language institute at SMU and offers various language programs, organized a few English studying programs for Sookmyungians in March.  They offered these programs for our students who were welcoming the new semester.  They hosted free English level tests and consultations named, “Know Your Level” for our students.  Joseph and Barry, who are Lingua Express’s professors, consulted students for their English study.  This program was done for three days, March 11th to 13th, in the Queen Sunheon Building Square intersection from 10:00 am to 14:00.  It was originally to be held on March 14th, but because of bad weather, it was canceled that day.  According to Lingua Express staff, about 60 students joined this program, and all the Sookmyungians, including graduates could do this.  Also, on March 15th, there was a free English writing test that foreign professors headed in the Center of Continuing Education and Lingua Express organized free English classes from March 14th to 15th.  Here our students can experience English classes in the spring semester for free.  Lingua Express staff said, “The whole participation rate of students was higher than last year, but the promotion was less than before.  For all these programs, above all things, participation is the most important. ”

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