On April 2nd, the student’s general meeting was held at 12 p.m. in Queen Sunheon Square. It was arranged by the Students’ Union of Sookmyung Women’s University. During the general meeting, students demand what they want directly according to three steps : present the agenda, vote, and pass the vote. According to regulations of the Students’ Union, they can propose the agenda only if one-seventh (1537) of students participate, but due to rainy weather, only 416 students participated. Nevertheless, they decided to convey their five requirements to the school with unanimous consent. The content of five requirements is that : First, configure a democratic tuition deliberation commission. Second, make an additional cut of tuition. Third, the academic institution should fulfill their obligation from the sense of duty. Fourth, ease off the payment standard of the second type of national scholarship. Fifth, implement the requirements from 46 majors and club federations. After this meeting, the members of the Students’ Union expressed a sense of frustration, and said, “Compared with last year, there was less attention from the media, and the publicity activities were also insufficient. In the next general meeting, I hope more students have interest, since these issues matter to all Sookmyung students.” A student who participated in this meeting also hoped to vitalize the general meeting and stated, “It is my first time to join and I was glad that I could participate directly to improve the school environment.”