On a peaceful weekend morning, you greet the sun by opening the curtains in your room. Then you move to the kitchen for breakfast. Among the many dishes in the cupboard, you choose your favorite bowl and put it on the table. Next, you put a scoop of Greek yogurt and granola in it. Lastly, by adding sweet seasonal fruits for freshness, a simple but healthy meal is completed. It’s time to eat!
Enjoy healthy pleasure
Recently, healthy products have been gaining popularity in the food industry. The reason for this is that the 'Healthy Pleasure' trend, which aims to manage health enjoyably, has become a lifestyle for the MZ generation. They take care of both their health and happiness by choosing sustainable methods instead of extreme ones while taking care of their health. This also applies to consuming food. Following this trend, the size of the domestic Greek yogurt market has also been on a steady rise. According to the results of a survey by market research firm, Nielsen Korea, the size of the domestic Greek yogurt market in 2021 was about 29.1 billion won, up 35% from the previous year. Based on offline standards nationwide, Pulmuone Danone made about 17.9 billion won, Ildong Hoodies products brought in 5.5 billion won, and Maeil Dairy made 4.4 billion won. These figures prove that Greek yogurt is attracting a lot of attention from consumers. Greek yogurt, which has less sugar content and more protein and calcium content than regular yogurt, is expected to continue to be popular.
Also, the popularity of Greek yogurt can be seen on the street - not only in Greek yogurt made by dairy companies but also in stores that specialize in Greek yogurt. In particular, Greek yogurt is considered a popular food in the university district around Sookmyung Women's University. Located near SMWU are a total of four Greek yogurt shops: "Dear Fine," "Monster Place," "YOZIT," and "YOOYI Yogurt." At each store, people can choose and purchase their desired amount of Greek yogurt and toppings. In some stores, special Greek yogurt as well as regular milk yogurt, such as soy and green tea, can be purchased. An anonymous Sookmyungian who often buys and eats Greek yogurt from places around the school said, "When I eat Greek yogurt, I feel fuller and healthier than eating instant food, so I often visit these stores." As such, there are even people who eat Greek yogurt for a meal. In addition to buying and eating it, the number of people who make and eat it by themselves has increased. Many recipes for Greek yogurt are posted on YouTube and blogs, so people can easily make homemade yogurt.
Pour, wait, and squeeze
Following a popular recipe, this SMT reporter made Greek yogurt at home. First, you should prepare 900ml of milk and 150ml of thick fermented milk. There are many kinds of thick fermented milk such as 'Activia,' 'Bulgaris,' and 'Will.' SMT reporter used Bulgaris, but any of them are suitable. Pour them into an airtight container that can be heated in a microwave and mix them well with a spoon. Then close the lid of the container, put it in the microwave, and heat it. The total heating time will be four minutes, but instead of heating it in one go, you need to heat it in three steps, one minute, two minutes, and one minute with a 30-second interval break. This is because lactic acid bacteria that make the form of the yogurt cannot survive too high temperatures. Once heated, leave it in the microwave for about seven hours. After that time, when you open the lid and scoop out the yogurt with a spoon, you will know it is a success if it has taken on a slightly solid form, such as the texture of pudding. Now move on to the stage of separating the milk serum. Place a strainer over a large bowl and spread a cotton cloth over it. You should pour the yogurt over the cotton cloth and tie it tightly together with a rubber band to prevent the yogurt from leaking out of the cotton cloth. To separate the serum faster, place a heavy object on the yogurt. Since the serum may overflow, separate it at room temperature for about two hours and discard it before continuing. Weigh it down again and store it in the refrigerator for about eight hours. When you check it after eight hours, you can see that the thick Greek yogurt is done. You can eat it just as it is, but if you add nuts, fruits, honey, or jam to it, it will have a richer taste.
Although the preparations for making it are simple, there are many steps to check at specific times. You may think this is too cumbersome because you have to wait a long time to get to the next step. But if you remember the following tips, you will be able to make Greek yogurt much more easily. The first tip is to start early in the morning. In the process of making Greek yogurt, there is a long wait time of seven, two, and eight hours. SMT reporter started making yogurt at around 5 p.m. on her first attempt and so had to keep checking the yogurt status late into the night. Thus, she set the start time at 8 a.m. on the second attempt. As she started fermenting yogurt around 8 a.m., the yogurt was completed at 1 a.m. the next day. The second tip is to add more thick fermented milk. This is a method for those who want to make Greek yogurt in a shorter time. When mixing the milk and thick fermented milk, adding about 300ml of the latter greatly reduces the fermentation time. This is because of the amount of lactobacillus itself that enters at the early stage increases. On the other hand, there are also things to keep in mind when making yogurt. You have to pay close attention to hygiene because you are dealing with dairy products. Therefore, you had better wash your hands thoroughly during the making process. Also, if you disinfect the cooking utensils and containers in advance, you will be able to make the yogurt in a cleaner environment.
Give it a try
With more people looking for a healthy meal, Greek yogurt's popularity is rising. People can buy it easily in supermarkets, street shops, and on the Internet. However, you can make your own Greek yogurt and eat it comfortably at home in a day. Why don't you enjoy Greek yogurt with your favorite ingredients in your way? If you are a Greek yogurt lover, this SMT reporter recommends trying to make it at home.