Becoming Possible With Sookmyung's Support
Becoming Possible With Sookmyung's Support
  • Yoon Kim Eunji
  • 승인 2021.05.29 08:10
  • 댓글 0
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On April 20th, Sookmyung Women's University was selected as one of the best universities in the '2020 Evaluation of Educational Welfare support for Special Needs University students'. Celebrating Special Needs Persons' Day in Korea, Sookmyung Women's University was awarded the 'Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education's Citation'. The award ceremony, held at the Center for Students with Disabilities, was attended by the president, vice-president, and the director of student affairs at Sookmyung Women's University. 423 campuses from 343 universities in Korea were assessed in the evaluation carried out by the Ministry of Education and organized by the National Institute of Special Education which is done every three years. SMWU was selected for four straight years since 2011. Last year, the center offered services such as lecture transcripts, video subtitles, and counseling for students, so students could participate in online classes smoothly and manage difficulties caused by COVID-19. Also, a special mentor lecture meeting was conducted by one of SMWU graduates over Zoom late last year. This year, an online employment lecture, the graduate homecoming day, and a leadership workshop were held on Zoom. In June, SMWU will offer support for students taking their final examinations and a special support committee for special needs students will be held during the first semester. In the second half of the year, SMWU will set up specialization programs, exchanges with graduate students, special lectures by mentors, and career counseling. Sookmyung Women's University was also selected as a hub university for Seoul in the '2021 Career Employment Support Project for Special Needs University Students' conducted by the Ministry of Education. More employment education programs for students with special needs are expected this year. For more explanation, refer to the website of Sookmyung Women’s University and click Center for Students with Special Needs.  

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