  • Kim Seol Yunha
  • 승인 2022.04.01 09:58
  • 댓글 0
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The Sookmyung College of General Education is recruiting students for the 5th 2022 Sookmyung Life Academy (SLA). SLA, which was launched in 2018 under the auspices of the Dongwon Education Foundation, is already recruiting for its fifth term. SLA is a one-year talent development program to foster students' insight and personalities. It aims for sustainable development through field experiences, volunteer activities, and mentoring by conducting reading and discussions, design thinking, and special lectures on various fields from humanities and social sciences to managerial economics. In other words, the SLA promotes future female leaders through a program to foster the right talent in conjunction with intellectual virtues. The screening method is conducted through document application and interviews. The application of documents is open from February 22 to March 13 and will be conducted for the first, second, and third graders of the undergraduate school who have been engaged in activities for one year. The total number of starters is 64. The one-year experience course consists of a launching ceremony, spring semester regular course, summer semester regular course, fall semester regular course, and completion ceremony. The program also includes humanities reading discussions and special lectures, team projects, and cultural experiences. In addition SLA's education module consists of a total of six modules, including a humanities reflection module, a leadership reflection module, a problem-solving ability module, a future competency module, a community citizenship module, and a self-directed growth module. Seven things can be obtained through the SLA. Upon completion of the Sookmyung Life Academy curriculum, credits and certificates bearing the name of the president will be granted to all participants. In addition, team project activities and mentoring by a team and student mentors will be supported. More details can be found on the website of the Sookmyung College of General Education.

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