Gachi, Finding Real Value
Gachi, Finding Real Value
  • Kim Seol Jieun
  • 승인 2016.02.24 16:27
  • 댓글 0
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Up to now, what has been the most important thing you value in life?  Some might say power or love, and others may shout out beauty or family.  Everyone has different priorities in life, and people go about life trying to protect and achieve each value.  A number of students on campus are working to protect and learn more about human rights.  The Sookmyung Times met So jiin and Lee Ujin, Communication Directors at Gachi, a club on campus, in order to learn about their life values and passion.



Would you please brief us on the value your club stand for and activities your club engages in? 

Gachi is a public human right scholarship club, established in 2013 by students interested in public human rights.  The club’s name denotes the strive to protect human rights, and it is derived from the Chinese characters: 加 (add) and 致 (reaching), to create a Sino-Korean word.  Gachi always weekly hosts seminars about human rights with subject-matter such as women’s studies, sexual minorities, and refugees.  Members prepare presentations for the seminars and discussion sessions after the presentations.  By referencing literature and texts, members learn basic knowledge about human rights.  If members wish to have more active engagement in human rights activities, members are encouraged to participate book or movie groups related to the humanities because our club tries to provide member with various experiences to contact with humanities.


It is known that Gachi is active in the protection and social awareness of violations to human rights.  Among all the events you’ve attended, which one is the most memorable?

The best memory was when Gachi was selected for support by the Korea Human Rights Foundation.  Thanks to this, the club received a lot of support funds and books from the Foundation.  Also, club members posted hand-written wall banners promoting understanding of sexual minorities.  The postings detailed the discrimination they faced and human rights issues related to their plight.  Fortunately, a lot of Sookmyungians left messages of support through every time or snowrose, so we can’t give our purpose up. Members believe the event widen perspectives and increased understanding and respect for sexual minorities.

Gachi has consistently tried to protect human rights since its establishment.  What does the club plan for 2016?

Gachi plans to spread awareness of the importance of human rights among Sookmyungians. Because the subject of human rights is so heavy, many students tend to avoid it; however, if it is approached wisely, student will recognize the charm of human rights.  Specifically, the club is preparing two events: the first one is a movie festival related to human rights, and the second is to host a seminar by inviting guest speakers to lecture.  The club also plans to unite other clubs because there is power in numbers.  Therefore, Gachi will continuously work with S.F.A club, Sookmyung Women’s study club, and other university’s public human rights scholarship club.


Would you like to leave any final words for Sookmyungians and the frosh entering in 2016?

First of all, we would like to wish a big welcome to the frosh entering in 2016 and to Sookmyungians who will become seniors.  For those wishing to face a new challenge and learn something meaningful, how about joining us in Gachi to learn about and discuss public human rights?  Especially, for any Sookmyungian with interest in and the desire to know more about human rights, this is the club for you.  Indeed, there are those who feel the subject-matter difficult and boring, but through our activities, we offer a fresh feel to the issue.  If you’d like to know more about Gachi, please visit our Naver web café or Twitter, and search for us, Public Human Rights Scholarship Club Sookmyung Women’s University.



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