On September 30, a special lecture by Korea International Trade Association (KITA) was held from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Veritas Building B102. The lecture was aimed at Sookmyungians interested in trade, public relations, and media. Even though the lecture was held on Saturday, Sookmyungians contentedly attended the lecture. Student representative of Sookmyung Interpretation Volunteers (SMIV), Park Seri, said that the lecture was supported by Professor Cho Heera from the School of Global Service to help students broaden their mind to the global world and expand their insight into world business issues. The speaker talked about KITA, essential aspects of trade with other countries, and using her personal experiences. She also explained how to work with different cultures by being sympathetic of different customs. Since KITA is the biggest trading fi rm in Korea, students gained valuable knowledge about the trade industry. During the question and answer session, students asked about a variety of concerns. The general response from the speaker was for students to learn now, because time is limited when they join the workforce. She suggested studying topics such as history or philosophy. Hong Junghwa, KITA Section Chief, said “It is important to study humanities to better comprehend humanity. Open your mind to different cultures and do your utmost to understand them. Regardless of your major, understanding yourself and others is essential.” From the lecture, participants realized the importance of warmth and acceptance of others for enhanced horizontal relations. Sookmyungians should not feel rushed, but take time to know themselves. Only after that will you fi nd your forte and face all challenges straight on.
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