HWANG SEOYEON Japanese Studies '17
"Although I follow trends to some degree, I think being myself by letting my personality come through from my choice of clothes and pursuing various styles is important." Seoyeon was happy to share her interest in the fashion industry, her own person fashion style, and various tips with The Sookmyung Times.
What sparked your interest in fashion?
My mother studied fashion in Japan, which is likely why I have always been interested in it. She always dressed me in fashionable clothes and even made clothing for me when I was young. From then, I paid close attention to my clothes and how they represented my personality. My concern for style is nothing new for me. I had thought about it since being a little girl.
Would you please offer Sookmyungians some useful fashion tips for being stylish?
With no doubt, I strongly berets. Berets suit just about any style and anyone. Personally, I match them with skirts, shorts, or skinny jeans. I also place heavy importance on my accessories like earrings, necklaces, and hats rather than on actual clothes. To emphasize those things, I also choose appropriate shoes to match.