Live Long and Prosper
Live Long and Prosper
  • Han Lee Hyebin
  • 승인 2018.06.06 23:08
  • 댓글 0
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"Again?"  That was one of the words I would most often hear while at SMT.  I was addicted to SF and fantasy films, so my articles used to center on those themes.  I underwent countless days of anguish, before living the famous greeting spoken first by Mr. Spock in Star Trek, 'Live Long and Prosper’ and ‘Namárië‘.  I was always full of energy when I could write about what I liked, so I mainly wrote articles on books, games, and movies.  However, because I liked to write sentences that only SF buff could understand, I often received feedback to add supporting details to those sentences.  As everyone knows, it isn't funny if you explain the joke. Sometimes, others ask why I joined The Sookmyung Times.  Frankly speaking, there is no big story behind it.  In first year, I spent most of my time at home.  That doesn’t mean I’m a loner.   It just means that while I enjoy doing activities with others, there are also times when I like to be alone at home.  However, I didn't want to be a big fish in a small pond.  This is the only reason I submitted my application to SMT.  However, that one short instance changed my life for the better.  Without SMT, I would still be stuck in my narrow view of the world.  My friends often gave feedback on my articles which resulted in modification to my attitude and vision of life, which is indeed what I sought by applying to SMT.  I’ve had the opportunity to meet various people by writing the ‘PEOPLE’ column.  I also experienced the hustle needed to scurry about campus in order to get a photo for ON SMU, and I also learnt what it is like to have to be in constant contact with others in order to set up an interview for the column 'ALUMNAE'.  Every second at SMT was as step in the right direction for me.  The Sookmyung Times offered me the chance to leave my room and work pleasurably together with others.  I would like to thank my fellow SMT reporters.  There is not enough space to express my deepest gratitude, so I will instead mention their names: Oh Sumin, Park Sieun, Kim Jieun, Kim Hyuna, Kim Minji, Kim Jihyun, Shin Woohyun, Song Heejeong and Kim Taeeun.  I would also like to offer a few words of cheer to SMT’s latest members, our cub reporters.  Your days with SMT will be some of your best memories of university.  It was my honor to be a part of SMT.   Last, I cannot forget to thank SMT readers.   For nearly two years, you have been my greatest pleasures, so to all of you, I say, ‘Live Long and Prosper’     

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