저작권자 © 숙명타임즈 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
Sookmyung Environment Volunteer Green Snow hosted ‘Sookmyung Green Day’ on April 3, attended by 85 students. At 9 AM the participants gathered in SMU and started to pick up the garbage and separate collections until 12 PM. For nearly three hours they cleaned up the places nearby SMU, Hyochang Park, Seoul station, and Samgakgi station. To contribute to make our school environment pleasant and to clean our society, this event was first started in 2004. Since then, for 5 years, this event is hold. One of the member of Green Snow, Hur Jung-A said “In my junior, I was seeking something meaningful for my life so I joined Green Snow. And throughout events like this, I could do some meaningful things.” Many local residents and merchants are giving the thumbs-up to this program. Now ‘Sookmyung Green Day’ is not just an event for students, but it is an event for people of our society.